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Події, які відбуваються на фронті і в тилу вибивають землю з під ніг. Ти дивишся на те, як Україну шматує ворог, як кожного дня стрічка ФБ переповнена загиблими героями і не розумієш тих людей, в чиїх очах холод до війни, байдужість до мужніх хлопців і дівчат, які віддають за цю байдужість своє життя.

Зворушливо до глибини душі, що не тільки ті, чиї рідні на фронті, а є небайдужі люди, які не залишаються осторонь. Вчора знову до Міжнародний благодійний фонд "Незламна українська нація" привіз допомогу наш Литовський друг і партнер Linas Maliska. Разом з ним до Фонду завітало телебачення #MTproduction, яке на замовлення українського державного інформаційно-розважального ЗМІ англійського іномовлення #The_Gaze знімає та виробляє документальний серіал про тих, хто працює на Перемогу в тилу.

Наші захисники хочуть Перемоги, хочуть волі і долі. Не собі, а нам з вами, тому вони сьогодні там, у пеклі на передовій.

Ми повинні допомагати війську.

І ми це робимо!


Зі своєю командою Міжнародний благодійний фонд "Незламна українська нація" робимо все можливе і неможливе.

Сьогодні передали систему РЕБ «Штиль» для автомобіля /окопна, 4 діапазони, 433,700-1100 МГц, 240 Вт (RV-SHTYL) вартістю 139000,00 грн. для в/ч 3061 Національної гвардії України. Радіємо, як діти і дякуємо всім, хто не втомився допомагати.

Як і мільйони українців,хочемо одного — ПЕРЕМОГИ!

Дякуємо нашим Героям за кожен прожитий день. Найбільше в житті молимося, щоб повернулися з фронту до дому всі живі наші захисники.

Ми незламна українська нація!


Майже кожного дня Міжнародний благодійний фонд "Незламна українська нація" відправляє на передову вантажі. Сьогодні допомога їде на Куп'янський напрямок до НГУ. Все що маємо, все для наших захисників.  Дякуємо Linas Maliska Віталій Ганженко Жіночий рух "ЗА Майбутнє" #ТОВ_ТРЕЙД

Дорогі наші воїни! Ваш подвиг - велика цінність не лише для України, а й для всього світу загалом.

І нехай Вас береже Всевишній!

Ми разом!


Ще одна допомога отримана Міжнародний благодійний фонд "Незламна українська нація" від дівчат зі Львова.

Дякуємо світлим жінкам Жіночого руху, пані #Валентині_Шпильці та пані #Іванці_Семен. Супи, цукерки, фасоля, консерви - все для наших бійців.

 А також дякуємо "Українській кавовій компанії ЛТД" за 10 кілограмів кави для наших захисників. Вже сьогодні частина відправляється на передову.

Працюємо на Перемогу разом!


Ще одна допомога отримана Міжнародний благодійний фонд "Незламна українська нація" від дівчат зі Львова.

Дякуємо світлим жінкам Жіночого руху, пані #Валентині_Шпильці та пані #Іванці_Семен. Супи, цукерки, фасоля, консерви - все для наших бійців.

Працюємо на Перемогу разом!


У вирії страшних щоденних подій, свідомість не може правильно сприймати і планувати роботу. Але потрібно рухатись до перемоги.

Міжнародний благодійний фонд "Незламна українська нація" дякує нашим партнерам #ТОВ #ТС #ТРЕЙД за велику підтримку та постійну допомогу.

Днями отримали каву та чай, які найближчим часом поїдуть на передову.

Не втомлюємось допомагати!


Як кажуть, ще не вечір.

Допомога нашим захисникам поїхала на фронт. Велика вдячність працівникам м'ясного павільйону Чорнобильського ринку "ІЛЛІС"

за постійну допомогу, за смачне сало і м'ясо. Далі буде!


РЕБ "Синиця-3"на який чекали майже місяць, отримали. Завтра поїде на Часів Яр, для наших героїв.

Тільки разом зможемо і Переможемо! Дякую всім за донати.


Спочатку випрошуєш, потім шукаєш автомобіль, потім запізнюєшся забрати допомогу, бо тебе чекають на призначений час. Ти вибачаєшся і таки забираєш її. Майже 2 тони води, кава, чай, енергетики поїдуть на південь до наших захисників.

Дитяче харчування чекають також. В понеділок відправимо.

Linas Maliska, вдячність і повага.

Литва і Україна, разом до Перемоги!

Стомлені, але незламні!


500 000 гривень

Таку суму вдалося зібрати 23 травня на благодійному вечорі у місті Рівному!

Дякуємо голові Спілки жінок Рівненщини Рожко Марії Аркадіївні!

Дякуємо Руслан Алексіюк, який погодився безкоштовно провести вечір, забезпечити звук та підібрати виконавців! Дякуємо Микола Бобрик, Дмитро Чередниченко, Олександрі та Соломії Данилюк, Іллі Кубаю та танцювальній студії «Кралечка»!

Щиро дякуємо Спілка жінок Рівненщини, Тамара Тимощук, Bohatyrchuk-Kryvko Svitlana, Оксані Данилюк та Olena Mintenko за допомогу! Спасибі усім, хто прийшов, купував лоти та донатив на ПЕРЕМОГУ!

Рівненська Оселя Агентство нерухомості «Волонтерська міць», ви, як завжди, надзвичайно круті

Обʼєднанні = непереможні!


Кошти підуть на купівлю засобів РЕБ для  14-ої окремої механізованої Бригади імені князя Романа Великого!!!


Не завжди коли є кошти можна купити необхідні засоби для захисту наших захисників на фронті. А ще прикро і боляче, що існує дуже багато тих, хто на житті солдат заробляє страшенні відсотки на продажі мобільних пристроїв для виведення з ладу ворожих БПЛА. 

Сьогодні ми звітуємо про кошти, які збирали на антидронову рушницю. На цю суму, замість однієї ми придбати дві рушниці, DGI Мавік 3 та шолом, які поїдуть на передову допомагати військовим нищити ворога.

Вдячність і шана всім, хто долучився до збору, хто донатив, хто купував лоти на благодійних аукціонах. Люди! Низький вам уклін!

Якщо всі будемо працювати на армію, нас чекає перемога. Єднаймося!


We received saline solution today,

30 pieces of 200 ml in a box Expiry date until 09.2024

Thank you, Mr. Volodymyr, for the charitable assistance provided

Will be forwarded and reported


She came, sowed, planted and wheeled a full car. Katya Arta Yakymovych. Is it possible to refuse her? After all, we do one thing. Everything for the front, everything for victory. It is our duty to save lives and help defenders. Today, more than ever before, they need real support and understanding from volunteers.

It is a pity that help is given not with the funds of officials, but with the warmth of the hearts of benefactors and the selfless work of those who help.

Everything will be Ukraine!


Generous evening! I received such a message yesterday from our defenders from the front line. The International Charitable Foundation "Indomitable Ukrainian Nation" will support and help the Armed Forces of the village of how much strength we will have and how much will be needed.

Our dear, native, courageous soldiers of the 14th separate mechanized brigade named after Prince Roman the Great!

We thank you! You stand for us there - at the front, we stand for you here - in the rear.

God protect every defender! Send Victory to Ukraine!

Report on yesterday's aid provided to military personnel in the hospital by the "Unbreakable Ukrainian Nation" International Charitable Foundation. We would like to thank Chaplain Oleg of the Public Formation "Chaplain Patrol" for his cooperation.

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Yesterday, Iuliia Puchko-Wilson, vice president of the charity organization Shield of Freedom of San Diego, California, which works to help fighters and rescuers on the front lines in Ukraine, visited the International Charitable Foundation "Unbreakable Ukrainian Nation".

During the meeting, Yulia handed over 25 NATO tourniquets CAT 7 (cat tourniquet generations 7) worth 35,500 hryvnias to the Fund for defenders.

We, in turn, presented our friends with a watch made by soldiers of the 14th separate mechanized brigade named after Prince Roman the Great.

Thank you for your support to everyone who is with Ukraine! One victory for all!


Maryana Bezugla wants to send all volunteers to the front. We are already on the "front", each on his own, without days off, 24 hours a day. And it doesn't matter if you have a fever or your body can no longer withstand the loads... They forgot about rest a long time ago. All this will be after the Victory. Today we received another shipment for our defenders - coffee, powdered milk, dark chocolate, candies, meevin in cups, ketchup...

If someone thinks it's easy, try it - negotiate, beg, receive, unload, buzz, deliver... Today, even a boy, an employee of the New Post Office, helped load the car. There are boxes of 15-20 kg. Thanks to everyone who helps. The International Charitable Foundation "Unbreakable Ukrainian Nation" is working.


Not everyone understands how our defenders need help, how they need our support. All we can do for them is not to stand aside, but to help with all our strength and capabilities. God forbid that the enemy break through the defense. Then it will be too late. And we, the "Unbreakable Ukrainian Nation" International Charitable Foundation, handed over another aid to the soldiers of military unit 1008. Maybe someone wants to join the cooperation, we will be glad.

We continue to work.


The International Charitable Foundation "Unbreakable Ukrainian Nation" is active! Galina Zakharchenko, Petro Stavniichuk, Anastasia Stavniichuk, Zhanna Ltavskaya, Anzhela Kirpich, Yurii Patsan, Alexandra Chengar, Lyudmila Kabanets. We at the International Charitable Foundation "Unbreakable Ukrainian Nation" could not complete this difficult for the entire country, the military year 2023, without visiting our military on New Year's Eve! The morning started at 5 o'clock. The sun of Ukraine rises in our East! In our Ukrainian East! The path to the 115th mechanized brigade of the Armed Forces of Ukraine was not close! But not as far away as it seems because the war is somewhere there... Packed, as the guys said, a drone, a bird, as we call it among ourselves, a generator, a portable heating stick, medicines, vitamins, our homemade Stavnichukiv honey, homemade Starostynetska a limited batch of stew, different types of coffee, cookies, candies, soups... completely loaded the SUV!

At checkpoints, military and policemen respectfully, even warmly: "What are you doing?! Benefactors! So! Need! Godspeed! Be careful!"

There is nothing more important today for each of us than to help our defenders! They give the most precious thing - life, health for the sake of Ukraine! For the sake of all of us! The first mechanized battalion of the Brigade and its commander do not lose their fighting spirit. Eyes! The eyes betray indescribable longing, fatigue and at the same time courage, resilience! With all the incredible difficulties of the tasks, death, which walks nearby, the fighters do not lose their humor! In places so sad... as for me. They thanked and smiled!

Pretending everything is fine, we endure, we fight! Needless to say, how...

They stand for Ukraine!

An earthly bow to all these people! To all the defenders, in superhuman conditions, repulse the many-hour attacks of the orcs, who are climbing in a terrible rush! They have equipment and weapons...

This is not the first and not the last trip of our Foundation to the front line. The other day we report back for another New Year's aid to our soldiers!


Together with Maryna Stavniychuk, we would like to express our sincere gratitude for the constant help and support of Mykola Mykolayovych Korpan, member of the supervisory board of the International Charitable Foundation "Unbreakable Ukrainian Nation", world-famous scientist and luminary, doctor of medical sciences, professor of the Department of General Surgery No. 1 of the National Medical University named after O.O. Bogomolets, founder and head of the International Institute of Cryosurgery, Rudolfinerhaus Clinic, Vienna, Austria, Honorary President of the World Society of Cryosurgery, Honorary Member of the Japanese Society of Cryogenic Medicine, Laureate of the State Prize of Ukraine in the field of science and technology.

The funds of 1,200 dollars you transferred were very necessary for the purchase of the Anti-drone of the "Ikon" system (cost 115,000), which we purchased for the fighters of the 14th separate mechanized brigade named after Prince Roman the Great, located in the Kupyansk direction.


We received a letter from the soldiers. They need water!

If necessary, we will do it! Myrhorodska, Thank you! Grigoriy Kudzhoyan, thank you for your cooperation and partnership! Last night we received 1,500 kg and unloaded them at the office of the International Charitable Foundation "Unbreakable Ukrainian Nation", today we are unloading them at the front line. We will add coffee, goodies, dry food, coconut milk, chips...


Every day a lot of requests, from the military and for the military. You answer calls both during the day and at night. Sometimes I think - where do I get the strength? But you understand how difficult and unbearable it is for our soldiers on the front lines. They hold on. And the rear must withstand.

Six bases for camouflage nets and two rolls of spunbond were handed over to the Sytnyakiv Lyceum of the Makariv Settlement Council.

We all work together for victory! The report is ready-made woven camouflage nets.


Report on public funds collected on December 5 in Dnipro.

Two DJI Mavik 3T quadcopters, with a cost of 450,000 will go to Kupyansk

to the defenders of 14 separate mechanized brigade named after Prince Roman the Great and military unit A4050.

To be continued. We are the Unbreakable Ukrainian Nation!


On December 5, the friendly team of the International Charitable Foundation "Indomitable Ukrainian Nation" held a charity evening in Dnipro - an auction in support of the Armed Forces of Ukraine "Glory to Ukraine and Heroes".

Preparation was not easy, but thanks to the leadership of the City Council, deputies, and their support, we did it.

The result is 580,000 hryvnias. Wherever we are volunteers, benefactors and patrons. They believe us, and that's the main thing. Thanks to everyone who helped who prepared the lots for the auction, who was, is and will be around. Dnipro! You are the best! And already on December 7.

The first report on public funds collected in Dnipro on December 5. UAH 240,000 from the total amount was spent on:

Mavic 3t set, 5 batteries, a hub for 3 batteries GOES TO KUPIANSK

to the soldiers of the 14th OMBR named after Prince Roman the Great To be continued.


We received a package from Lviv. We are preparing for trips to Avdiivka, Kupyansk, Bakhmut, Zaporizhzhia. Thank you to everyone who trusts the International Charitable Foundation "Unbreakable Ukrainian Nation" and helps bring victory closer.

I bow my head not only to the military, but also to those who try, help and work for Victory every day. Today, volunteers are not only adults, but also children.

On October 30, the women's team of the International Charitable Foundation "Unbreakable Ukrainian Nation" not only visited the educational institution Cherkasy Specialized School No. 18 named after Vyacheslav Chornovola, whose head is Vasyl Hryshchenko, and also received aid for the Armed Forces. Sincere gratitude to parents, children, teaching staff for goodies, food products, hygiene products, fruits. All this will be sent to the front line. Special thanks for the charms and drawings that the students made with their own hands for our defenders.

We are an indomitable Ukrainian nation.


It is difficult to help, and it is even more difficult to look at those who fatten on the bones and blood of our defenders and the country they have eaten. But the volunteers of the International Charitable Foundation "Unbreakable Ukrainian Nation" cannot, will not, and have no right to give up and remain inactive. Each of us will be left with our own truth and rage, with our own set of views, beliefs and perspectives.

Aid to Zaporizhzhia to the combined combat unit of the PP battalion "Sofia" of the "Tora" group has been delivered.

Thank you for your service, our defenders.

Anzhela Kirpich, #Nastya_Tyshchuk, #Valery_Dudarenko - thank you for the hard work you do. Oleksii Levytskyi, thank you for the provided car.

We are the Unbreakable Ukrainian Nation!

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A little help for the big men at the front. Portable walkie-talkies for soldiers of military unit A1788 and some goodies. We are not heroes in this war. Heroes are those who choose the freedom and independence of our Ukraine. And we, the team of the International Charitable Foundation "Unbreakable Ukrainian Nation" are doing what every Ukrainian should do today.


September 26. In these blessed autumn days on the eve of the Intercession of the Holy Mother of God, the Day of defenders and defenders, the Day of the Ukrainian Cossacks, we pay tribute to our Armed Forces of Ukraine! To everyone and everyone who defends our Ukraine in this cruel, unjust military aggression of the Russian Federation against our state!.

Philanthropists were also invited to this evening to draw lots in support of the Armed Forces and to cover even a fraction of the requests received by the Foundation.

And we succeeded! More than 300 thousand hryvnias, this is the result of the work of an indomitable team!

Among the guests of the event were our wounded fighters, whom we specially invited to have the opportunity to communicate, listen to wonderful deep war poetry, modern Ukrainian patriotic songs performed by our artists!

The event was attended by the head of the Khmelnytskyi Regional Council - Violetta Labaziuk, deputies of the regional council - #Gay_Ihor, #Demchuk_Volodymyr, #Dekhtyaruk_Olexandr, #Zelenko_Tetiana, #Ivashchuk_Serhiy, #Кланца_Андрий, #Krupa_Tetyana, #Lemeshchuk_Olena, #Moroz_Vyacheslav, #Nagorniy_Ivan. #Shorobura_Inna, # Yuriy_Marushchyn, #Vitaly_Oluyko, entrepreneurs - farmers, local restaurateurs, industrialists, heads of educational and medical institutions of the region!

Thank you good people! Restaurant Forrest - Oleksandr Bilyk, owner, Alla Kozlova, director and all the service staff!

Thank you for donating to the Fund to the companies: #МХП, #АО_СЛС_ГРУП, #ПЕРЛЯНА_ПОДИЛЯ, Mr. #Andriy and #Yani_Trachuk

confectionery factory #Kond_Klas

Infinite gratitude to those who gave us the lots: Honored Artist of Ukraine - Yuriy Patsan, #Volodymyr_Skubiy, Company #Doppelgerts, Writer - #Nastasiya_Semenyuk, Famous designers #Olesya and #Oleksandra_Telizhenka, Craftswoman #Nataliya_Svynarenko, #Anastasiya_Tyshchuk and the military for historical lots, namely , casings, tubes, wreckage of downed planes of the occupiers.

And of course to our friendly team of like-minded people, volunteers, partners: Maryna Stavniichuk, the famous cryosurgeon, scientist - #Mykola_Korpan, Oleksandra Chengar and Konstantin Chengar, Zhanna Ltavska, Svetlana Khlyebas, Anzhela Kirpich, Anastasia Stavniichuk, #Vitaliy_Oluykо...


Today is a difficult and not an easy day. But there is good news. A MAZDA car was handed over to the International Charitable Foundation "Unbreakable Ukrainian Nation". We, in turn, handed it over to our defenders, who will work for Victory over the enemy pack. I sincerely thank Oleg Sendyk, #Lomov_Olexandr for the constant help. Together and only together we will be able to defeat evil.


Someone is relaxing at the sea, someone is eating exotic dishes in an expensive restaurant, someone is admiring European landscapes, wrapped in the flag of Ukraine, and we, volunteers of the International Charitable Foundation "Unbreakable Ukrainian Nation" are working and will help our defenders. Oleksiy Levytskyi, thank you for your constant support and help.


Today, the International Charitable Foundation "Unbreakable Ukrainian Nation" received more than one and a half tons of water from the Morshyn mineral water factory Oscar, which will be given to the defenders of the Armed Forces of Ukraine and the population of the de-occupied territories. Sincere thanks to everyone who helps and brings the Victory closer, as well as to our volunteers. Together we are a force!


Night and dawn with alarms and explosions, day - sending help, evening and night again - buckwheat porridge with stewed meat for our native defenders. We thank the employees of the meat pavilion of the Chornobyl market "Illis" for their constant help.


Another car for our soldiers!

The pickup, which was driven from England, was serviced and handed over to the boys on the South-Eastern Front.

Thanks to everyone who helps with the collection!

This is our joint work!

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Another help was received by our defenders from the International Charitable Foundation "Unbreakable Ukrainian Nation".

We are together!

We are with you!

Ukraine will win!

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Today is the bright Feast of Exaltation of the Fair Trees of the Life-Giving Cross of the Lord, in memory of the seven Maccabean martyrs, their mother Solomonia and teacher Eleazar. Assumption Lent begins! But we need to work, help our defenders and bring Victory closer together with them. Thank you to the women's movement "For the Future", our volunteers and everyone who never got tired of doing good.

Для бажаючих підтримати ЗСУ


₴ 5168752017301857

€ 5168752017307458

$ 5168752017307391

Pay Pal

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The International Charity Fund "Unbreakable Ukrainian Nation" handed over another batch of humanitarian aid - 55 fire hoses for rescuers of Zaporizhzhya State Emergency Service.

Thank you for your help and cooperation: Ukrainian Coordination Center of Dresden and

Ukrainian FireFighters Foundation.


A little help for great people at the front from the International Charitable Foundation "Unbreakable Ukrainian Nation" We are not heroes in this war. Heroes are those who fight for the freedom and independence of our Ukraine on the front lines. We are doing what every Ukrainian should do today. The Nissan Pathfinder car, which was raised by our volunteer Anzhela Kirpich, is going to Maryanka to the soldiers of military unit 4028. We also give goodies and food to the soldiers. Thanks to everyone who trusts us!



Dear children, teachers, parents, management of #Specialized_school_№320 with in-depth study of the Ukrainian language in the Desnyan district of Kyiv! On behalf of the International Charitable Foundation "Unbreakable Ukrainian Nation", I bow low to you and sincerely thank you for the charity fair held in support of the Armed Forces. You are incredible! The funds collected and transferred to the Fund's account, 56,164 hryvnias, which you collected, will be spent on the purchase of the most necessary things for our defenders. Reporting is mandatory.


Sincere thanks:

— #Markovii_Yani — director of the school;

— #Tomchuk_Valentyn —  the head of the 1-A class

— #Yaremenko_Ludmylі — the head of the 5-A class

— #Mozharovska_Natalii —  the head of the 4-B class

— #Yovenko_Ivanni — the head of the 8-B class


Laptops, thermal packs purchased with public funds, as well as various goodies will one day go east to our defenders. The International Charitable Foundation "Unbreakable Ukrainian Nation" thanks everyone who donates to the needs of the army, who helps and brings Victory closer! Let's not be indifferent.

You can support the Armed Forces of Ukraine financially by following the link: Privatbank

₴ 5168752017301857

€ 5168752017307458

$ 5168752017307391

Pay Pal


Radio stations go east to our soldiers! May the Almighty protect all defenders of Ukraine! Words of sincere gratitude to the incredible residents of the Kotelevsk community!

A low bow to Valentina Shevchenko for the support of the Armed Forces of Ukraine and the trust of the International Charitable Foundation "Unbreakable Ukrainian Nation".

Thanks to all Kotlev residents who participated in fundraising for the purchase of a set of motorolla DP 4400E radio stations.

We are the Unbreakable Ukrainian Nation! Ukraine will definitely win! Strength, faith and patience to everyone

who never gets tired of doing good! TOGETHER WE ARE POWER! GLORY TO UKRAINE!


Everyone needs to work for Victory, both at the front and in the rear. You can't be indifferent when your country is being destroyed by an enemy evil. Rescuers are heroes without weapons. Every day, they eliminate hundreds of fires, rescue people, demine the liberated territories of the country, provide psychological assistance... The other day, the International Charitable Foundation "Unbreakable Ukrainian Nation" was handed over clothes and ammunition for 6 DPRZ (Slovyansk), as well as the personnel of 27 DPRZ serving in the settlement (Komar) We thank our partners in the city of Dresden, in particular #Eduard_Susla for their support and providing the necessary equipment.

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One more help from the volunteers of the International Charitable Foundation #Unbreakable_Ukrainian_nation, which was handed over to the East by Father Oleg Danyliv to the population and our defenders. We have no right to be tired! Together to victory!


Assistance to the Armed Forces of Ukraine, orphanages, families of servicemen, displaced persons and the frontline population. During the war in Ukraine, we provide great assistance and support to our defenders of all military formations that defend the Motherland and the freedom of the civilized community, as well as their families.


We really hope that this war will change us for the better, that it, like evolution, will do the impossible. He who fights and helps knows that this is his state, and there will be no other - we do not need another. We must not lose the country. Heavy, unbearable work fell on the shoulders of both those at the front and those in the rear. Indifference is not for us.

Today#International_charitable_fund"#Unbreakable_Ukrainian_nation" handed to Katya Arta Yakymovych for the Armed Forces, medicines, first-aid kits, dressing materials, foodstuffs and various goodies.

Let's help together! Let's get closer to Victory!


On behalf of the Supervisory Board #International_Charitable_Fund#Unbreakable_Ukrainian_nation" I sincerely thank everyone who helped and continues to help our defenders. Thanks to public funds, Teplovizor is going as intended.

Only together we will be able to Defeat k@tsap evil.

There are still a lot of requests from our soldiers, so please don't stop. Every hryvnia you transfer is saving someone's life and our peace with you.

We will not help our army, we will be slaves of damned Muscovy.


VolunteersInternational Charitable Foundation "Unbreakable Ukrainian Nation"and the companyUkrparts.uapurchased and handed over a set of tires to the guys from the 131st battalion.

Help the Armed Forces!!!

Glory to Ukraine!!!

The war waged by Moscow against Ukraine affected all spheres of Ukrainian life. It is impossible to stand aside when they want to destroy your country, your people. The military invasion prompted our team to reorganize all its activities and adapt them to the needs of today.

Only ten monthsInternational Charitable Foundation "#Unbreakable_Ukrainian_nation", but many good deeds have already been done. Current events force us to promptly respond to all life's challenges and find an opportunity to help the Armed Forces, health care, education institutions, the affected population and others who need help.

On January 14, despite the shelling by the k@tsap horde of Ukraine, the explosions and sirens, we nevertheless held a Christmas fair in the city of Fastiv together with RG#Parish_of_St._Nikolay» of the Kyiv Diocese of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church (OCU) in Fastiv and collect 21,000 hryvnias for the needs of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church.

We sincerely thank everyone who participated in the event and helped to hold it in such a difficult time.

We thank the director of the Kharkiv confectionery factory #KondKlas — Skubiy Volodymyr, the Association of Dentists of Ukraine in person#Mazur_Irina and #Hlebas_Svitlanato a private entrepreneur - Pokrovsky Volodymyr, DNZ No. 10, city of Fastiv, Children's Sunday School of the temple of Jan Zolotoustov, the director of "Zberta Brewery" in the city of Fastiv —Lyubov Onishchuk and others.

Also, sincere gratitude to our honored artists of Ukraine —#Astraya#Elena_Bilokon' and Honored Artist of Ukraine —#To Yuri Patsanand his wife Tatiana.

Funds have been raised, and it's close 22,000 hryvnias will go to purchase a thermal sight for the military unit A4438.

We don't stop! Everything will be Ukraine!


First aidKherson peoplefrom# International #charitable #fund"#Unbreakable #Ukrainian #nation"already on the way Food products, medicines, hygiene products... were brought by our volunteers. The abbots of the city's Saint Nicholas ChurchFastova,fatherOleg Danilovand Father Mykhailo.

Tears of joy, tears of pride, tears of regret. How much these people endured, and how they waited for the Armed Forces! WE ARE WITH YOU! UKRAINE, ABOVE ALL!

God, protect Ukraine!


October 11 with the direct support of our International Charitable Foundation "Unbreakable Ukrainian Nation" another car was handed over to the needs of the 57th Brigade - a Hyundai Tucson.

On behalf of the foundation, we thank all the volunteers who made this project possible, and first of all, thank you Edgar Ter-AkopyanOleksii Levytskyi, Volodymyr Drobit, Artem Orel

Together we will win!


Recently, the International Charitable Foundation "Unbreakable Ukrainian Nation" received aid to the Armed Forces of Ukraine. Two cars Shrysler Grand Voyager and Volkswagen Sharan were purchased by our volunteers and partners with their own funds Oleksiy Levitskyi and Orel Artem— founders of the Ukrparts+ company (Ukrparts).

The cost of the machines is 220,000 hryvnias. The vehicles are currently undergoing a technical inspection and will be handed over to the Armed Forces in the coming days. Oleksiy and Artem also purchased and transferred Starlinkfor72 brigades, the cost of the equipment is $1,500.

Let's remember that now it is very important to support and help our defenders!

Together to victory !


September 18 to the soldiers72 separate mechanized brigade named after the Black Zaporozhets the priest of the church of St. Nicholas of the city of Fastov came to the defense line Father Oleg.

Consecration of positions, collective prayer, individual conversation, a kind word... in other words, this is support.

The feeling of such support helps warriors overcome fear, be courageous and stand firm on their land. Perhaps these words will seem pathetic, but they are. After all, a smile, a small confession and a big hug say gratitude for this support. 

According to Father Oleg, the prayer was easier, cleaner... and in this everyone can look for their own explanation, but it is so.

Maybe because there you feel the power and importance of the spoken words more acutely.


Since 2014, the co-founders of the online auto parts store "Ukrparts" Oleksiy Levytskyi and Orel Artem have been actively helping the country in its confrontation with the aggressor. With the start of hostilities, they, together with those who care, provide our soldiers with the most necessary. In 8 years, we have managed to buy, repair and paint more than 15 cars.

The vehicles of our defenders are constantly maintained and repaired by the forces of our own service station.

Actively participate in providing  military personnel with equipment, ammunition, food, hygiene products and medicines

At the request of the frontline, Oleksiy and Artem purchased the Starlink satellite internet platform, which is already successfully used on the front line.

With the beginning of active hostilities in the territory of Kyiv region, they extended their assistance to the civilian population, namely: providing people most affected by the occupation with drinking water, food, medicines, hygiene products and household items.

Necessary items are purchased at the individual request of families with children and the elderly.

They do not leave the families of our defenders without attention and help, providing financial and humanitarian assistance. Contribute to the improvement of logistics chains between volunteers and the military, involving the company's fleet and employees in volunteer activities.


The International Charitable Foundation "Unbreakable Ukrainian Nation" is sincerely grateful to the Colgate company for the donations 180 sets of toothpastes, which will definitely be given to soldiers of the Armed Forces, immigrants and low-income families.

Thank you to everyone who never got tired of helping!

Glory to Ukraine!


More than 50 cars have already been transferred to the combat zone. There is also a constant repair and provision of the necessary spare parts for vehicles for soldiers. We will be sincerely grateful to all concerned organizations, volunteers, people who can provide such cars that are available or help financially.


 The bulletproof vests received from the Ukrainian Coordination Center in Dresden (Germany) and transferred to the Main Department of Property and Resources of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine and the Lviv Regional Military Administration for our military.


INTERNATIONAL CHARITABLE FOUNDATION "INDEMNIFIC UKRAINIAN NATION" purchased the foundations for masking net, which is after work Makarivska community will go to the Armed Forces!

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